Regenerative Tourism

Teyuna Tours Family, a pioneering tour operator in Sustainable Tourism in Santa Marta, after achieving Certification in Sustainable Tourism from Tourcert – Travel for Tomorrow, wants to do much more: through an alliance with Environomica, Teyuna Tours becomes the pioneering tour operator for the Lost City tour in Regenerative Tourism.

Aware that creating a real positive impact on communities and the environment is much more than taking a selfie planting a bush that no one will care for, and in the wrong ecosystem, we decided to partner with an international actor with a local soul like Environomica, a Foundation that has a presence in the region where Teyuna Tours operates, involves and generates jobs in the farming and indigenous communities of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, ensures the survival and care of the trees it plants, with pillars in Environmental Education, Reforestation, and Rural Development.

Teyuna Tours and Environomica: don’t take selfies, make an impact.





Committed to implementing solutions to transform the way we use natural resources for the benefit of people and the planet.


Click for more information about the Foundation, adopt trees in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, and be part of the change.

Climate change and other pollution factors have led to the loss of mangroves in Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta.

Faced with this situation, the communities living in the stilt villages are undertaking initiatives such as mangrove planting to save the Ciénaga, restoring vitality to the mangrove forest by planting seedlings in areas that have been deforested. This includes the creation of a nursery in Buenavista with the capacity to restore 15 hectares with around 20,000 seedlings.

Visit the Stilt Villages, contribute to the mangrove planting project, and be part of the change.

El cambio climático y otros factores de contaminación han llevado a la pérdida de manglar en la Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta. Frente a este panorama las comunidades que habitan en los pueblos palafitos adelantan iniciativas como la siembra de manglares para salvar a la Ciénaga, devolviéndole la vitalidad al bosque de manglar sembrando plántulas en zonas que han sido deforestadas, esto con la creación de un vivero en Buenavista con la capacidad de restaurar 15 hectáreas con unas 20 mil plántulas. Visita los Pueblos Palafitos, contribuye al proyecto de siembra de manglares y sé parte del cambio.